• Question: How do you deal with a bad day?

    Asked by anon-336762 to Victoria, Joe, Ben D on 20 Oct 2022.
    • Photo: Joe Shreeves

      Joe Shreeves answered on 20 Oct 2022:

      Bad days are inevitable sadly, but everyone has them sometimes and it’s OK for things to not always go smoothly all the time. Personally, I always like to think that whatever issues I’m facing today, no matter how challenging, there will be a way to resolve them in the future. Talking to people about what has happened definitely helps, a problem shared, is a problem halved.

    • Photo: Emma Barrett

      Emma Barrett answered on 21 Oct 2022:

      Like Joe says, there are many days where things don’t go so well. But bad times pass. So I tell myself “this will pass”.

      Also, I try not to overthink bad situations. I work with a lot of explorers and they have a motto which is “control the controllables” – in other words, focus on the things you can control and don’t get yourself into a state about things your can’t control. It’s really good advice.

      I also do a little bit of yoga every day, and I find that helps me calm down and destress if I have had a bad day.
