• Question: What is the speed of light, and why is it that speed?

    Asked by anon-335301 on 6 Oct 2022.
    • Photo: Mike Heyns

      Mike Heyns answered on 6 Oct 2022:

      The speed of light, or how fast a photon or packet of light travels, is 299,792,458 meters per second. According to the special theory of relativity, this is kind of an upper bound on how fast normal matter (you and me), energy or even information can travel. This is a fundamental constant of our universe and although it has units we arbitrarily define (meters and seconds), it is fundamentally related to all the other constants. Why exactly these constants are what they are is very much an open question!

    • Photo: Jack Reid

      Jack Reid answered on 6 Oct 2022:

      Light travels at 299 792 458 metres per second, but why is a deeply philosophical question indeed!
